Easily Search from Anywhere in the Google App with a New Bottom Bar Easily Search from Anywhere in the Google App with a New Bottom Bar

Easily Search from Anywhere in the Google App with a New Bottom Bar

You might soon be in for a treat if you use the Google app frequently. Apparently, Google is planning to permanently reposition the search bar at the bottom of the Google app so that it is more easily accessible. Testers of the Google app beta version are starting to see this handy new feature.

The persistent search bar stays visible no matter where you are in the app, like when browsing websites. It has the familiar “Ask anything” text along with microphone and Lens buttons for searching in different ways. Tapping the bar takes you back to the main Search page.

This makes searching a breeze when wanting to look up multiple things one after another without having to navigate away each time. However, the bar does cover a small part of viewed pages.

So far the test is only for beta users, and not everyone in the beta has it yet. Becoming a tester is easy by signing up online. But keep in mind the beta may have issues, so most should wait for the public release.

If searching a lot from within the Google app sounds like your workflow, try joining the beta program. Then you can see if the new bottom search bar is available yet to make exploring the net even simpler! The future of convenient search on the go looks bright with this persistent bar in the works.

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