Chrome OS Gets an Android Makeover to Unlock New AI Features Chrome OS Gets an Android Makeover to Unlock New AI Features

Chrome OS Gets an Android Makeover to Unlock New AI Features

The Chrome OS that runs on all Chromebooks is getting a major upgrade soon. Google, the company that makes Chrome OS, said they are going to make it work more like Android.

Android is the software that powers most smartphones. It has special features that can understand language and images using artificial intelligence (AI). Google wants to bring these types of smart features to Chromebooks too.

To do this, Chrome OS will start using more of the same code as Android. This code is called the “Android stack” and helps Android devices run well. It includes things like the Linux kernel, which is the base for all operating systems. Sharing this code will let Google more easily add new AI features to Chromebooks in the future.

Even though Chrome OS and Android will work together better, Google promises the Chromebook experience won’t change much for users. Things like security, how it looks and customized device management for schools/businesses will stay the same. The updates are happening now but may take a while before we see the results.

When complete, Google says the transition will be smooth and we won’t notice a difference. The change means Chromebooks can get smarter over time just like our phones have. It’s an exciting upgrade that can unlock new abilities for exploring, learning and playing on Chromebooks with the help of AI.

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