Threads Now Lets You See Who's Online By Default Threads Now Lets You See Who's Online By Default

Threads Now Lets You See Who’s Online By Default

Threads is rolling out a new “activity status” feature that lets you know when someone is online. According to Instagram head Adam Mosseri, the feature is meant to help users connect with others in real-time.

With this setting, others will see if you’re active on Threads. But you can turn it off if you want privacy. Only people with it on will see each other’s status.

Threads has lagged behind rivals like X in finding real-time reactions to events. Activity status may boost chatting around current happenings.

It also helps Threads without direct messages. On X, conversations start with DMs. Since Threads lacks this, status helps facilitate talks.

However, not everyone thinks status is a good fit. Some said an online indicator makes more sense on message apps. Others worry about harassment from knowing their schedule.

Mosseri didn’t say how to disable it yet. So users will have to dig for the option in settings themselves once the feature rolls out fully.

With pros and cons to weigh, Threads’ activity status brings more questions than connectivity. Only time will tell if privacy concerns outweigh its social benefits.

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