Starting Your New Remote Job The Right Way Starting Your New Remote Job The Right Way

Starting Your New Remote Job The Right Way

After spending several years re-imagining your life and career, you now work a remote job. However, working for a new company from home without meeting your boss or coworkers in person can feel weird at first. Here are some tips to help you get off on the right foot in those important first 3 months:

Before Your Start Date

It’s good to learn as much as you can about your new company’s culture. See if they shared how people work from home there. They may have given you a checklist of what you need too. Here are some other things you should do:

  • Find out if you need any equipment like an upgraded internet connection plan or a specific software. See if the company will pay for upgrades or if it’s on you.
  • Check your internet speed and make sure it’s fast enough for video calls. Hardwire your computer if possible.
  • Learn the video platform like Zoom so you’re ready for meetings. Keep your background simple so people focus on you.
  • Know what communication apps your team uses like Slack or Teams. Make sure your computer can run them.

The First Month

These first weeks let you meet your manager and coworkers. Pay attention in conversations to make a good impression:

  • Show them how you want to help by asking questions about current challenges and priorities.
  • Learn in the way that works best for you, like reading or watching videos.
  • Ask what helped others succeed there to map out your own success.
  • Connect with your boss often so they know how you’re doing and can correct you easily.
  • Look for quick ways to add value like helping solve past problems as a team.

After The First Month

Keep developing your skills beyond what the company teaches:

  • Network with other teams to understand the whole business better.
  • Keep strategizing your next career steps, even if a promotion isn’t guaranteed.
  • It’s okay if the role isn’t a fit – power through until you find something aligning better with your skills.

With the right focus in these beginning months, you’ll feel comfortable in your new remote work role and really contribute to your company.

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