Google Pixel Thermometer App Comes to Europe Google Pixel Thermometer App Comes to Europe

Google Pixel Thermometer App Comes to Europe

With your Pixel phone, you can keep track of your schedule, navigate to appointments, and even stay safe with the help of satellites. But, when was the last time you used your phone to measure temperature? As part of last year’s Pixel 8 Pro, infrared thermometer hardware was introduced that could measure temperatures from a distance. Now, the body temperature measurement feature is coming to a lot more users in Europe, as Google prepares to bring the service to more users.

When it first came out on the Pixel 8 Pro, the temperature checker wasn’t very accurate. Google also had to get approval before letting you check your body heat, which is super important during a pandemic when knowing if you have a fever matters. Approval finally happened in January just for people in America.

Since then, the Pixel 9 Pro and Pixel 9 Pro XL also got the special sensor. But Google didn’t say much about it. This made some think they forgot about temperature checking. But a recent update made the app better to use. Now Europe is getting body temperature testing too.

Google updated info showing body heat readings will work in places like Germany, France, Italy, and more. Some saw this but tests didn’t make it work yet. But it looks like a flip of a switch could turn it on soon for these new countries too!

If you’re in Europe and the temperature feature starts working, let me know in the comments. It’ll be cool to have another handy tool on our Pixels!

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