Anysphere Anysphere

Anysphere Gets $60 Million to Help Developers Code Faster

A two-year-old company called Anysphere that’s developed an AI-powered coding assistant called Cursor has raised over $60 million in a Series A financing. Anysphere was started by some smart students at MIT who wanted to use artificial intelligence to help programmers write code quicker. Their tool Cursor uses machine learning to help software engineers by making suggestions as they write programs.

Anysphere isn’t alone in this space. Other startups like Cognition, Poolside, and Magic also want to help coders work more efficiently. Investors seem to like this idea too. When Microsoft, the company behind GitHub, talked about how well their own AI coding tool Copilot was doing recently, it proved there is big demand. Copilot alone makes almost as much money as all of GitHub did before!

Anysphere has been growing fast too according to some people. In their Series A round, big-name investors a16z and Thrive Capital valued the company at $400 million. Stripe founder Patrick Collison also put money in. Anysphere plans to use the $60 million to make Cursor even better at assisting developers.

It’s clear artificial intelligence has a big role to play in software development going forward. Tools like Anysphere’s Cursor and Copilot aim to supercharge programmers and the interest from VCs shows they see the opportunity too. With so many players in this space now, it will be exciting to see which coding assistant truly helps developers level up their skills the fastest.

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